The Sacrament of Baptism is one of two “sacraments” recognized by the United Church of Christ (the other is Communion). It represents the washing away of one’s sins and traces its origins to John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus in the River Jordan just before Jesus began his public ministry.
Our church recognizes Christian baptism from any denomination. People baptized in another church or another Christian denomination are welcome to join our church. Most members of the United Church of Christ are baptized as infants – but adult baptism is available to anyone who wishes to be baptized either during a church service or private ceremony.

Sunday School
Sunday School is held on Sundays from 9–10:00 in Fellowship Hall from September into May. Our interactive curriculum includes contemporary, monthly themes based on the Bible and is appropriate for ages 4 to 12. Children ages 4- 4th grade and grades 5 to 7, attend class in Fellowship Hall. Classes are held the second Sunday of September through the first Sunday of May. During the year children participate in the Children’s Moments at the opening of church services (at 9:00 am) before leaving to attend classes. Other activities in addition to our curriculum include: special food pantry collections, Valentine’s for the New Glarus Home residents, an Easter skit, and a Christmas pageant.
Our Mission is based on the Bible verse from Mark 10:14, “let the children come to me, and do not stop them because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
Sunday Morning Childcare
Our nursery is available for visitors and parishioners. Located in Fellowship Hall, the nursery is in close proximity to our Sunday school classes. A childcare provider is on site on Sunday mornings to care for infants and toddlers ages 6 months to 3 years. There is no cost for the service, provided from September through May. Swiss Church follows Safe Sanctuary protocol and has emergency procedures for fire and weather concerns.

Swiss United Church of Christ offers a two-year Confirmation program for students in seventh and eighth grades. In it, students learn the history of Christianity, the history of the United Church of Christ and the history or Swiss UCC. They are introduced to the historic creeds of the church and they engage in a number of service projects in the community. Each student has an adult mentor who meets with the student frequently, and serves as an adult contact for the young person.
The Rite of Confirmation occurs each year on Palm Sunday.

The sanctuary of Swiss Church was built in 1900 and remains pretty much the same today as it was then. It features beautiful stained-glass windows and the original pews and woodwork. Therefore, couples who have no formal membership in the congregation often seek to use its facilities for their weddings.
We are happy to make our church available for non-member weddings. Swiss Church will provide a pastor, musician and custodian for couples wishing to be married, if they so desire. A fee schedule and general requirements are available through the church office.